In an expert system, there are basically two various user interfaces: One is for the fashion designer of the system who is commonly skilled with computer systems any other is for the user commonly exam help computer novice. Because most users of an expert system usually are not computing device experts, it is crucial that system be easy for them examination help use. All user interfaces are bi directional; it’s, are able examination help acquire advice from the user quiz help reply exam help the user with its thoughts. The dressmaker’s user interface must also be capable of adding new tips examination help the potential base. Natural language is human language. Natural language processing courses use synthetic intelligence examination help allow exam help user exam help communicate with exam help laptop in the user’s natural language. ICAP Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. ICAP Receives Funding exam help Strengthen Nurse Initiated HIV Management in South Africa. 2014 ; Available from: ovule P, et al. Application of Workload Indicators of Staffing Needs WISN in opting for health workers necessities for Mityana General Hospital, Uganda. International Journal of Public Health Research. 2015;35:25463.