“The reason behind the challenge is that the banks have deployed more liquidity than they have got attracted in the kind of purchaser investment,” said Yaroslav Sovgyra, affiliate managing director at credit standing agency Moody’s in Moscow. In the 1st 10 months of this year, total lending by Russian banks grew by 15 percent, outpacing the 9. 4 % augment in client deposits, in accordance examination help the vital bank’s month-to-month banking sector review. The shortfall means that banks are instead turning exam help the vital bank examination help fill the distance. Moody’s predicts that the percentage of primary bank funding in banks’ liabilities, now some 6 %, will reach 15 percent by the end of next year. Under pressure from banks, the primary bank has promised examination help accept exam help wider range of collateral in future, quiz help extend the maximum length of crucial bank refinancing operations from the existing three months exam help up examination help three hundred and sixty five days.