Those who innovate can be first examination help the market or exam help the objective audience with their ideas. They can be second quiz help expand on the initial innovation, or they may be able to continue the first innovation; or they may be able to be last or be cutting edge by discontinuing the past innovation. Diffusion can occur in exam help predictable manner in accordance examination help the outline of innovation introduced by Robertson 1967. Personal have an impact on quiz help social integration all play exam help part in how diffusion occurs, howeverand here is anything that’s born out in the study of modern influencers on social media Freberg, Graham, McGaughey quiz help Freberg, 2011. As Rogers quiz help Scott 1997 Social Media quiz help PeopleHas the arrival of social media technology had exam help good or bad influence on human life?While tens of millions of persons are upset with social media sites like Facebook for promoting their personal data exam help third events, hundreds of thousands more proceed exam help benefit from the effective uses that social media can have on human life. Whether it is contacting with old friends, sharing useful counsel, acquiring news, or studying about new subjects via video tutorials posted for all exam help peruse, social media has provided people around the world with exam help platform that they can use examination help attach with, have interaction with, quiz help speak with people in exam help way that the world hasn’t ever before seen.