“” . gazeta. magnolia. kz/. /19 novaya detsko yunosheskaya organizaciya. Comment by professorMuhamedrahimKursabaev. “The issue of papal obedience is important for Benedict. In his last legal doc, he made new provisions for cardinals exam assist in making exam help formal, public pledge of obedience exam help the new pope at his set up Mass, in addition exam help the personal one they traditionally make inside the Sistine Chapel instantly after he is elected. Shortly before 5 p. m. Thursday, Benedict will leave the palace for the last time as pontiff, head examination help the helipad at the end of the hill in the Vatican gardens quiz help fly examination help the papal retreat at Castel Gandolfo south of Rome. There, at 8 p. The demonstrators accuse Mubarak’s successor Mursi of betraying the 2 year old revolution. Mursi quiz help his supporters accuse the protesters of seeking exam help overthrow Egypt’s first ever democratically elected leader by undemocratic means. Debris from days of unrest was strewn on the streets around Cairo’s Tahrir Square, cauldron of the anti Mubarak rebellion. Youths clambered over exam help burned out police van. But unlike on previous mornings in the past few days, there was no early sign of renewed clashes with police. In Port Said, men attacked police stations after dark.