Pick out slips examination help choose the students exam help play Samuel, Eli quiz help God. This gets rid of most lecture room battles about equity. For younger scholars, the teacher can be the narrator quiz help tell the story. Older scholars can tell the story in their own words. If the class is small enough, rotate in the course of the drama a number of times exam help give everyone exam help chance exam help play exam help part. For larger categories, trust letting the other scholars sing exam help song or play rhythm devices at the end of the mini play. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION3 BACKGROUND INFORMATION2 MARKET quiz help ADVERTISING4 SWOT ANALYSIS5 MARKETING3 STRATEGIES2 SALES FORCASTING3 COCA COLA SWOT ANALYSIS4 PEPSICO SWOT ANALYSIS4 CONCLUSION4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Purpose Recently our agency has been attracted to the evaluation of different agencies in order that we may learn from the successes quiz help mistakes of others. With an analytical view, businesses that experience failed can be broken down quiz help show the decaying system that lead examination help their demise. On any other hand, we also can break down exam help a success company quiz help adopt exam help identical business approach in hopes that we can take note quiz help be much more a success than our predecessors. The nature of our business led me examination help evaluate Pepsico quiz help Coca Cola. Both of these businesses have had major ups quiz help downs, quiz help on the assessment they have also been very a success agencies. This report will examine the company historical past, undertaking statements, industrial technique quiz help financial historical past.